The growing importance gained by the European Convention on Human Rights in our legal system, especially following the well-known sentences of the Constitutional Court of October 24, 2007, n. 348 and n. 349, has imposed the need to provide a tool capable of ensuring a wider knowledge and dissemination of the European Court of Human Rights case law among legal practitioners. This need also responds to the repeated requests expressed by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe through successive recommendations on knowledge and awareness of the jurisprudence of the ECHR, information and training on human rights and execution of the judgments of the Strasbourg Court.

Progetto finanziato grazie al contributo della

The observatory was designed by Anton Giulio Lana and originally funded in 2008 by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and, subsequently, by the National Bar Association (CNF). The new version of the project is funded by Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale.
The goal of the Observatory is to improve the accessibility of the jurisprudence of the European Court, which is still made objectively difficult by language barriers. The judgments and decisions of the European Court are written in one of the two official languages of the Council of Europe (English and French) and only rarely in both languages. The Observatory consists in the translation of the pronouncements of the European Court into Italian, not including those adopted against Italy (whose translation is curated by the Ministry of Justice). Such translation activity is carried out by a team of expert jurists well versed in ECHR matters.
Therefore, the Observatory represents a valid tool of consultation available to lawyers, magistrates, public administrations, police forces and simple citizens, who can access its contents in an easy, simplified and free way and, above all, in Italian.
Through the translation activity, the Observatory intends to: make the ECHR rulings on migration, rejections at sea, asylum and refugees and the most relevant ones on the fight against discrimination available (with particular reference to issues relating to the Mediterranean basin); improve the degree of accessibility of the ECHR jurisprudence through the creation of a dedicated website; raise awareness on the issues with the help of seminars, carry out research and in-depth study.
Komissarov c. Repubblica Ceca
Corte EDU, V Sezione, sentenza del 3 febbraio 2022, ricorso n. 20611/17
Hashemi e altri c. Azerbaigian
Corte EDU, V Sezione, sentenza del 13 gennaio 2022, ricorsi nn. 1480/16; 3936/16; 15835/16; 28034/16;
De Sousa c. Portogallo
Corte EDU, IV Sezione, decisione del 7 dicembre 2021, ricorso n. 28/17
Savran. c. Danimarca
Corte EDU, Grande Camera, sentenza del 7 dicembre 2021, ricorso n. 57467/15
Corley e altri c. Russia
Corte EDU, sezione III, sentenza del 23 novembre 2021, ricorsi nn. 292/06; 43490/06
M.H. e altri c. Croazia
Corte EDU, Sezione I, sentenza del 18 novembre 2021, ricorsi nn.15670/18 e 43115/18
Abdi c. Danimarca
Corte EDU, sezione II, sentenza del 14 settembre 2021, ricorso n. 41643/19
M.D. e A.D. c. Francia
Corte EDU, sezione V, sentenza del 22 luglio 2021, ricorso n. 57035/18
D. c. Bulgaria
Corte EDU, sezione IV, sentenza del 20 luglio 2021, ricorso n. 29447/17
M. A. c. Danimarca
Corte EDU, Grande Camera, sentenza del 9 luglio 2021, ricorso n. 6697/18
Shahzad c. Ungheria
Corte EDU, Sezione I, sentenza del 8 luglio 2021, ricorso n. 12625/17
Khachaturov c. Armenia
Corte EDU, Sezione I, sentenza del 24 giugno 2021, ricorso n. 59687/17
Bivolaru e Moldovan c. Francia
Corte EDU, Sezione V, sentenza del 25 marzo 2021, ricorsi nn. 40324/16 e 12623/17
B e C c. Svizzera
Corte EDU, III Sezione, sentenza del 17 novembre 2020 ricorsi nn. 889/19 e 43987/16
Muhammad e Muhammad c. Romania
Corte EDU, Grande Camera, sentenza del 15 ottobre 2020, ricorso n. 80982/12
M.K. e altri c. Polonia
Corte EDU, Sezione I, sentenza del 23 luglio 2020, ricorsi nn. 40503/17, 42902/17 e 43643/17
N.H. e altri c. Francia
Corte EDU, Sezione V, sentenza del 2 luglio 2020, ricorsi nn. 28820/13, 75547/13 e 13114/15
Moustahi c. Francia
Corte EDU, Sezione V, sentenza del 25 giugno 2020, ricorso n. 9347/14
M.N. e altri c. Belgio
Corte EDU, Grande Camera, decisione del 5 marzo 2020, ricorso n. 3599/18
N.D. e N.T. c. Spagna
Corte EDU, Grande Camera, sentenza del 13 febbraio 2020, ricorsi nn. 8675/15 e 8697/15
- Anton Giulio Lana (director)
- Roberto Chenal (senior expert – sentences selector)
- Guido Raimondi (coordinator)
- Marina Castellaneta
- Giuseppe Cataldi
- Angela Di Stasi
- Lina Panella
- Andrea Saccucci
- Alessio Sangiorgi (translation manager)
- Stefano Porfido (translations coordinator – expert translator)
- Marco Fasciglione (expert translator)
- Anna Iermano (expert translator)
- Rossana Palladino (expert translator)
- Margherita Tommasini (expert translator)
- Gioia Silvagni (public relations)
- Rainer Maria Baratti (public relations)
The research tool offered by the ECHR jurisprudence observatory is simple but innovative. The user can search for the sentence through the “search” bar by entering the keywords of interest or can use the “tag” system to refine the search by selecting the defendant State, the topic of interest, the date of publication of the sentence or the infringed article.